Family Circles

21st November
Acted by: Directed by: Written by:
Masham Players would like to thank the above for their participation!


M4 (20s, 30s, 60s) F4 (20s, 30s, 50s). A living-room.

'We all marry the wrong people,' announces Edward Gray and, looking at his three daughters and their unsuitable partners, it is difficult to disagree. Edward's marriage to mousy Emma isn't much better — otherwise why would the daughters suspect they are trying to kill each other? Just as the plot is thickening, there comes Ayckbourn's coup de théâtre: the younger couples change partners — and then again! — so that every possible combination is shown to the audience.

Next Performance

Our next show will be in May 2025. The title is be be decided. Please see 'LATEST NEWS ' for updates.

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