Beyond a Joke

9th March
Acted by: Directed by: Written by:
Masham Players would like to thank the above for their participation!


M4 (young, 50) F4 (20, 40s, 50). A drawing-room and a garden

Six times fatalities have occurred in Jane and Andrew's country house. When daughter Sally's new young man, Geoff, arrives for the weekend he mistakenly gets the idea that the occurrences were due to something more sinister than 'accident'. When a visiting vicar passes peacefully away in the garden Andrew and Jane try to remove the body. Events are further confused by the unexpected arrival of Geoff's parents who are unaware that the body has been stowed in their car boot!


Next Performance

Our next show will be in November 2024. The title is yet to be decided. See 'LATEST NEWS ' for updates.

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